Why now? Why Clearest Blue?
For a long time I’ve wanted to start my own Cloud Strategy Consulting business. The journey has been filled with moments of doubt, but I believe as long as my intentions remain authentic, the business opportunities will develop. However, it’s not only about authenticity…I truly enjoy helping people.
Helping others has always been a passion and has served me well in my career…for both project management as well as sales. The journey has been tremendous, but I’m ready to offer more…to contribute more value that can be measured over time.
See, in my sales career, I’ve only been an advocate for one vendor – the one I worked for. Regardless of what my clients needed, I only had one solution to offer. This will always be the case when companies work directly with a Service Provider. The salesperson wants to win your business and they’re going to tell you all about the advantages of choosing their solution.
But who is going to share the disadvantages? Who will educate you on the potential issues and weaknesses that tend to come with a particular solution or vendor?
When clients choose my services, they have access to a genuine customer advocate with in-depth industry knowledge and experience. Unlike my previous sales jobs, I’m now in a position to help them wade through all the options and provide an understanding of the upsides and pitfalls of choosing one solution over another.
In a nutshell, I will save my clients valuable time and money that can be used in more productive ways.
So there you have it…that’s why I’m taking a leap to build this organization. If you’re interested in watching my journey unfold, please follow my company page at https://www.linkedin.com/company/clearest-blue. Better yet, fill out the contact form below and schedule a call to learn more.